
Strategic Visioning and Purpose

Client Challenge (organization:  30 staff)

Start-up of a new organization with a desire to become a values-driven organization.  Develop its vision/purpose statement for branding and engagement of leadership team and staff.


Consulting with the CEO and senior leadership team to help define and create the organization’s vision to engage and inspire. They also worked with a marketing consultant to refine their communication on their website and marketing materials.

  • The solution involved drawing on conferencing methodology for visioning as well as Thiagi’s approach for building a succinct vision statement.
  • Prior to our engagement, the team had developed its draft organizational values. To align with this initial work, they did some pre-work to begin their visioning of the future – from the heart – through letter writing.  They then shared their letters in the first session from the stakeholder lens they were asked to write from.
  • After hearing from each senior leader, the team then engaged in a vision/purpose statement exercise.
  • Much work was done ‘behind the scenes’ prior to the next session to effectively with the owner’s vision for the firm.
  • As a result of our work together, the push for a succinct statement forced the team and its leader to become extremely clear and concise. It revealed the motivation behind the owner/CEO’s personal ‘why’ and helped provide clarity and team alignment.
  • All of this led to what is now on their website.
  • This process drove the subsequent efforts to ensure its strategic goals aligned with their organizational culture.
  • The Executive Team’s clarity and alignment contributed to building the culture they were seeking and includes messaging with their new hires in a consistent and inspiring manner.