
Consultative Coaching

Given the nature of confidentiality we did not want to disclose the details of our coaching engagements.  Clients seek Erica Groschler for specific targeted coaching. Not a certified coach, Erica makes it very clear that she uses a ‘consultative approach’ to her coaching.  Her style is one that people are drawn to because she sometimes “tells it like it is”, can be prescriptive and, as she puts it, “can give them a kick in the butt because they need it”.  She has a wealth and depth of expertise having done much personal and professional development. She draws on all this wisdom to guide her clients through their own journey.

Here’s what some of her coaching clients have said about their experience:

I worked with Erica over the past 8 months, and her advice and knowledge was exactly what I needed at this stage in my career. She had deep knowledge of leadership theory, constantly recommending great articles and books for future learning. She also ensured any action plans after our meetings were concrete and realistic. She wasn’t afraid to challenge me, and she found many ways to make our conversations fun! I would not hesitate in recommending Erica as a coach.

Chris Armstrong, VP Sales & Marketing, City West

After meeting with Erica on a regular basis for over a year now I must say that the tools she has provided me for my leadership skills are remarkable. While reluctant or skeptical at first, implementing the skills based on the discussions we have had have not only made a difference in how I show up at work but also in my personal life. Many have commented at work and outside of work on the difference in my day to day outlook. I truly believe that this difference is attributed to my coaching sessions with Erica.

Mike Alexander, Senior Vice President of Construction, Wesgroup Properties (client of VIRTUS)

I worked with Erica over the past 8 months, and her advice and knowledge was exactly what I needed at this stage in my career. She had deep knowledge of leadership theory, constantly recommending great articles and books for future learning. She also ensured any action plans after our meetings were concrete and realistic. She wasn’t afraid to challenge me, and she found many ways to make our conversations fun! I would not hesitate in recommending Erica as a coach. “I sought Erica out for her unique abilities to see people.  I needed a guide to help me explore the shadows and to reveal areas for my development.  Erica’s style is straightforward – to explore as much about a person as possible, and, as a mirror, helped me to reveal opportunities for significant growth and development.  Erica has pushed me in ways that I wouldn’t have found possible alone, or with other coaches that I have come across; to be honest, I couldn’t have come this far, this quickly, without her.  I still marvel at her ability to push just where and when needed, while also recognizing the balance of support when needed.  Erica truly sees people for the deeply personal and sometimes hidden conscious being that lies within.”

Scott Brolin, Director Rehab Fraser Health Authority

Erica has been instrumental in supporting me to determine a clear direction for my career pathway. She asks the right (and hard) questions and engaged me in a formalized 360 process that allowed me to gain feedback on my leadership skills from colleagues, peers and advisors. This allowed me to constructively look at how I can effectively leverage my strengths as well as position myself to evolve in the challenging arenas. I thoroughly appreciated Erica’s positivity, genuineness, and curiosity throughout this process and I uphold the highest regard for this coaching experience.

Kristine Juck, Director Clinical Operations RCH, Fraser Health Authority